All You Need To Know: Red And White Giant Flying Squirrel Behavior

Red And White Giant Flying Squirrel Behavior

Do you love animals? Well, get ready to be excited about one of the most amazing creatures on Earth—red and white giant flying squirrels! These critters are not only fascinating and beautiful but also gentle giants who play an important role in their ecosystems. 

In this blog post, we’ll closely examine red and white giant flying squirrel behavior, exploring what makes them so special. So without further ado, let’s learn all about these incredible creatures!

What are Red and White Giant Flying Squirrels?

  • Red and white giant flying squirrels (scientific name: Petaurista albiventer) are just as their name suggests—giant flying squirrels that are mostly red with some white fur on their bellies.
  • They are native to the forests of Southeast Asia and can be found in countries like Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Nepal, and Bhutan. It is believed that there are only around 10,000 red and white giant flying squirrels left in the wild. 
  • While they are technically considered rodents (like mice and rats), they look very different from their small counterparts.
  • For starters, they’re much bigger—an adult red and white giant flying squirrel can grow to be up to three feet long! And as you might have guessed from their name, they can also fly. Well, sort of.
  • Thanks to the furry membrane that stretches between their front and back legs, they can glide through the air for long distances—up to 160 feet!

What Makes Them So Special?

  • One of the things that makes red and white giant flying squirrels so special is their diet. While most small rodents eat mostly plants and seeds, red and white giant flying squirrels also eat small mammals, reptiles, birds, eggs, and even insects—making them one of the few known vegetarian carnivores! 
  • Another interesting fact about red and white giant flying squirrels is that they don’t build nests as other animals do. Instead, they build “dreys”—platforms made out of sticks that line with leaves and fur. Dreys provide protection from predators and the elements for red and white giant flying squirrels and their young. 

Quick facts to know:

  1. The red and white giant flying squirrel is a nocturnal creature, meaning it is most active at night. 
  2. This rodent is one of the largest flying squirrels in the world, with a body length of up to 40 cm and a wingspan of up to 1 meter. 
  3. The red and white giant flying squirrel is found in the forests of northeast India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Myanmar. 
  4. This squirrel feeds primarily on tree sap but will also eat insects, fruits, and leaves. 
  5. The red and white giant flying squirrel is an excellent glider, able to glide for up to 100 meters between trees. 
  6. This squirrel is not considered endangered, but its population is thought to be declining due to habitat loss.


Red and white giant flying squirrels are some of the most amazing creatures on Earth—and there are only around 10,000 of them left in the wild! In this blog post, we learned all about these incredible critters—from their diet and unique eating habits to their distinctive physical traits. We also learned why they are so special and why we need to help protect them.